Getting Started

So you're still interested in using PinBot? Sweet. Before we invite PinBot to your server, let's spend a few minutes understanding how PinBot works...

The Pinboard Channel

As mentioned on the previous page, your pinboard channel is the dedicated channel where all messages pinned via PinBot will be posted. Traditionally, this is a channel for which only PinBot has permission to send messages, however you're always free to allow your server members to send messages within the pinboard channel if you wish.

Upon inviting PinBot to your server, the bot will look for a channel called "#pinboard". If found, it will set that channel as your pinboard. If it can't find this channel, the bot will create a "#pinboard" channel for you, and set permission overrides on the channel to allow only the bot to post new messages. Feel free to modify/remove these permission overrides per your specific needs.

You may also designate a different [existing] channel within the server as your pinboard channel via the Pinboard Channel settings within PinBot Panel's General Settings section.

How messages become "pinned"

PinBot offers two main methods of pinning messages to your pinboard, as described below. All pinning methods are configurable via the PinBot Panel.


The Pin-by-Pin method utilizes Discord's native message pinning functionality to capture messages pinned using the "Pin Message" option to your pinboard.

This method is typically not preferred by most Server Admins, as members must have the Manage Messages permission in a given channel to be able to pin messages to the pinboard.

Pin-by-Reaction and Voting


Server Admins may also configure reaction pinning to require a certain number of reactions (votes) on a message before it will be added to the pinboard.

Inviting PinBot to your server

Now that you've learned the PinBot basics, it's time to add the bot to your server!

In the next section we'll introduce you to the PinBot Panel, which you can use to invite PinBot to your server and manage all aspects of its configuration.

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