General Settings
Pinboard Channel
The pinboard channel (as described in the Getting Started section) can be modified to any existing channel on the server by selecting a channel from the list.
Only Admin Pins
If toggled ON, this setting will restrict all pinning methods to users who have at least one Administrator role in the server. Note that this setting overrides all other pin posting settings.
Custom Embed Color Toggle
If toggled ON, the color selected in the Embed Color setting below will be used for all PinBoard embeds.
If this setting is toggled OFF, PinBot will use the message author's highest role color for the message embed.
Embed Color
This setting allows you to override the embed color sent with each pinned message. The Custom Embed Color Toggle (see above) must be set to ON for this to have any effect.
Role Restrictions
If toggled ON, PinBot will only pin messages requested by users who have the "Pin Role", as specified in the setting below. This applies to all pin options, including voting.
Pin Role
Only server members who have the role you select will be able to pin messages. Note that Role Restrictions must be enabled for this to have any effect.
Channel Restrictions
If set to ON, only messages from the channel(s) listed in the Whitelisted Channels setting below will be eligible to be posted to the Pinboard.
If this is set to ON but no channels are whitelisted, Pinbot will not pin any messages.
Whitelisted Channels
If Channel Restrictions above is enabled, and one or more channels are included here, only messages from the channel(s) listed will be eligible to be posted to the Pinboard.
If this list is empty but "Channel Restrictions" is enabled, Pinbot will not pin any messages. Channel Restrictions must be set to ON for this setting to have any effect.
Custom Reaction
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